Nouns refer to a word used as the name of a person, place, or thing. Nouns include the maximum of the words of a language.
Examples of Nouns:
- People (a name for a person): Max, Juliet, Catherine, Michael, Bobby, etc.
- Animal (a name for an animal): goat, tiger, dog, cat, cow, kangaroo, etc.
- Places (a name for a place): Manchester, London, Bangalore, Australia, Canada, Mumbai, etc.
- Objects/Things (a name for a thing): bat, ball, tape, chair, table, door, house, laptop, etc.
- Ideas (a name for an idea): devotion, evolution, superstition, invention, happiness, excitement, etc.
Noun & Its Classification
There are two classifications of nouns which are the following:
Singular noun:
A singular noun refers to one thing or one person focused on the phrase. e.g. Girl, Book, Dog, Table, etc.
Singular Noun in a Phrase:
- I have a pet dog.
- Kangaroo got hurt in the big bush.
- She is the woman of the bungalow.
Plural noun:
A plural noun refers to more than one substance or one person denotes in a phrase then it is called a plural noun. e.g. Mobiles, Boys, Tables, Engineers, etc.
Plural Noun in a Phrase:
- He is wearing a belt in his pant.
- Please pack those boxes.
- Our room is scattered with a group of mice.
Types of Nouns:
1. Common Noun:
A Common Noun refers to a name given in common to every person, place, or thing of the same class or type. e.g., boy, girl, country, club, etc.
Example Sentences:
- Ali is a superb player.
- Australia is the team he plays for.
- He is living in this country.
- Manchester is the city he lives in.
- He is a man of dreams.
2. Proper Noun:
A Proper Noun refers to the name of some particular person, place, or thing. e.g., Saif, Toronto, Mercedes, etc.
Note 1 – Proper Nouns are always started with a capital letter.
Example Sentences:
- Ali is a superb player.
- He plays for Australia.
- He was born in Turkey.
- He moved to Beijing when he was young.
- He lives in Tokyo.
3. Abstract Noun:
An Abstract Noun is usually the name of a quality (goodness), action (laughter), or state (youth) considered apart from the object to which it belongs.
Example Sentences:
- Truthfulness is a great
- Honesty is the best policy.
- Childhood is the time that never comes back.
- Muslims have different ideas, opinions, and beliefs about nature.
- Some virtues receive a global acknowledgment.

Noun and its types with example sentences
4. Concrete Noun:
A noun refers to people and things that exist substantially and can be seen, touched, smelled, heard, and tasted. e.g., coffee, flower, tune, etc.
Example Sentences:
- How many players are there in the league?
- Have you ever met James Bond?
- Pour the water into the glass.
- Where is your car?
- He sent me a mobile phone from abroad.
5. Collective Noun:
A Collective Noun refers to the name of a figure (or collection) of things or persons written together and pronounced as one whole. e.g., Crowd, mob, family, team, people, etc.
Example Sentences:
- His family lives in different countries.
- Toms’s family consists of four people.
- A fan company builds a new building.
- The OIC governors will meet on Monday.
- Pakistan team qualifies for Asia Cup.
6. Compound Noun:
When two or three nouns create a new noun that is joined with a hyphen or separate. e.g., son-in-law, snowfall, mailbox, etc.
Example Sentences:
- Can we swim in the swimming pool?
- They stopped work at sunset.
- Remember that check-out is at 3 afternoons.
- Come and draw a map on the blackboard.
- Blend some fruits in the juicer machine.
7. Countable Noun:
Countable nouns, also called countables, are the names of objects, persons, or things, etc. that we can count in numbers. e.g., book, boy, sister, pen, apple, doctor, horse, etc.
Example Sentences:
- I bought a neurology
- The grammar book has 139 pages in it.
- This English Grammar has 39 chapters in it.
- Each chapter covers 5 topics.
- Alex has four pencils.
8. Uncountable Noun:
Uncountable nouns, also called uncountables, are the names of things or objects that we cannot count. e.g., milk, rice, love, gold, oil, patience, sugar, honesty, etc. They mainly represent abstract things.
Example Sentences:
- I need some drinking water.
- Would you like to drink some juice?
- Do you need to fill some gas in your cylinder?
- We need some money for the business.
- Do you want to drink some milk?

Noun and its types with example sentences