
Adjective and Its Types with Example Sentences

Adjective with its types


An Adjective is a word that describes a noun or noun phrase or pronoun and adds something to the meaning.

(Adjective means added to.)

Adjectives can:

  • transform nouns and pronouns
  • act as complements
  • ask questions
  • answer questions
  • show ownership
  • state which noun you’re talking about
  • compare nouns
  • describe states of being
S. No.

Adjective Examples

Adjective Used in a Sentence
1 clever Jenny is a clever girl.
2 little There is little time for training.
3 Five He has given me five mangoes.
4 lazy The lazy girl was penalized by his tutor.
5 quite I am quite healthy.
6 large Beijing is a large city.
7 honest He is an honest man.
8 beautiful Tom bought her a beautiful dress on her birthday.
9 aggressive Benn is an aggressive boy.
10 ashamed His father is ashamed of his actions.
11 meaningless He composes meaningless letters.
12 nicer This saloon is much nicer.


Types of Adjectives with Example Sentences:

In English Grammar, there are 8 types of Adjectives, that are explained with example sentences in the below section.

1) Descriptive Adjective:

Adjectives of Quality or Descriptive Adjectives refer to the type of quality of a noun. e.g. Beautiful, large, big, small, younger etc.

Example Sentences:

  • The foolish old dog tried to snatch the piece of meat.
  • We loved a peaceful evening.
  • He is such a competent banker.
  • The silly fox moved around in the filthy sludge for an hour.
  • Jenny is my younger brother.


2) Numeral Adjective:

Numeral Adjectives or Adjectives of number indicate how many nouns are meant. This adjective denotes numeral value. e.g. Eight, few, whole, second, some etc.

Example Sentences:

  • Few people like black coffee.
  • The carriage was dragged by a team of six.
  • I have 20 Dollars in my pocket.
  • They have three teenagers in their family.
  • They should have finished the whole assignment.


3) Distributive Adjectives:

Distributive adjectives, such as any, every, each, either, and neither, transform each member of a group correspondingly.

Example Sentences:

  • Did any of them do their project?
  • Each guest expected a good dinner at the end of the party.
  • Either jumper will suit with those chinos.
  • He bought every purse in that mall.
  • Neither registrar called me back to sign.


4) Demonstrative Adjective:

Demonstrative Adjectives refer to the person or thing that is meant, e.g. This, that, these, those, such, etc.

Example Sentences:

  • This boy is elder than Mary.
  • Would you mind riding this bicycle?
  • That car was modified as a sports car.
  • I don’t want to listen to these
  • Those flowers are lovely.


Adjective with its types

Adjective with its types with example sentences

5) Interrogative Adjectives:

What, which, what, and whose, when they are mostly used with nouns to ask questions directly, are called Interrogative Adjectives.

Example Sentences:

  • Whose guide is this?
  • Which mobile phone do you use since last year?
  • What color did you paint the bungalow?
  • Which top did you select to wear at the party?
  • Whose property are we buying?


6) Possessive Adjectives:

Possessive adjectives are used to express ownership or possess something. This is used before a noun. e.g. Own, my, our etc.

Example Sentences:

  • She is her own master.
  • Is that their Audi?
  • Is this your hamburger?
  • I was searching for my books.
  • Tom began to build his new house.


7) Proper Adjectives:

Adjectives made from proper nouns are simply called Proper Adjectives. e.g. British, Chinese, Jurassic, etc.

Example Sentences:

  • The British delegation reached last morning.
  • I love Japanese food to eat.
  • He went to a Shakespearean commemoration.
  • When will the Christmas holidays get started?
  • These remains are from the Jurassic era.


8) Compound Adjectives:

When multiple words are joined together to make one word modify a noun using a hyphen then a Compound adjective is made.

Note: They are normally hyphenated, but not every time.

Example Sentences:

  • They will take a five-hour cruise.
  • I am searching for a full-time job from 9-5.
  • This is a foolproof plan and it will never fail.
  • They borrowed some fat-free cheese from a neighbor.
  • He is a warm-blooded man.


Adjective with its types

Adjective with its types with example sentences