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Why Are Second Marriages Difficult in Pakistan?

Why Are Second Marriages Difficult in Pakistan

Second marriages can be challenging in any culture, but in Pakistan, these challenges can be particularly pronounced due to societal norms, cultural expectations, and legal issues. This article explores the various difficulties faced by individuals entering into second marriages in Pakistan.

Societal Stigma and Judgment

One of the primary challenges of second marriages in Pakistan is the societal stigma associated with them. In a conservative society like Pakistan, second marriages are often viewed with suspicion and negativity. People may judge those who remarry, particularly women, labeling them as failures in their previous marriages. This societal judgment can create immense pressure and stress for individuals considering or entering into a second marriage.

Societal Stigma and Judgment for Second Marriage in Pakistan

According to a survey by Gallup Pakistan, around 60% of respondents believe that second marriages are socially unacceptable, highlighting the pervasive stigma.

Legal Complications

Legal issues can also pose significant challenges. In Pakistan, family laws governing marriage and divorce are complex and can vary significantly between different religious communities. Navigating these legal waters can be confusing and daunting for those entering into a second marriage.

For instance, the need for legal documentation, court appearances, and sometimes the requirement of obtaining permission from the first spouse can make the process cumbersome and discouraging.

According to the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, legal complications are a significant reason for the delay in second marriages, affecting around 30% of such cases.

Financial Strain

Second marriages can also bring financial challenges. Managing finances in a blended family can be complicated, especially when there are children from previous marriages. The cost of maintaining two households or managing alimony and child support payments can put a strain on the financial stability of the new marriage.

A report by the State Bank of Pakistan indicates that financial difficulties are a leading cause of stress in second marriages, with many families struggling to balance their budgets.

Blending Families

Another significant challenge is the blending of families. Integrating children from previous marriages can be a complex process. Children may have difficulty accepting a new parent figure, and conflicts can arise from differences in parenting styles and family traditions.

Research published in the Journal of Marriage and Family shows that around 40% of second marriages with children from previous relationships experience difficulties in family integration.

Emotional and Psychological Challenges

The emotional and psychological impact of second marriages cannot be overlooked. Individuals may carry emotional baggage from their previous marriages, which can affect their new relationship. Trust issues, fear of failure, and unresolved conflicts from the past can create barriers to building a strong, healthy relationship.

Unresolved emotional issues in Two Marriages

Studies by the Pakistan Psychological Association reveal that unresolved emotional issues from previous marriages are common among those entering second marriages, often leading to marital conflicts.

Socioeconomic Factors

Socioeconomic factors also play a significant role. Differences in social status, education levels, and economic backgrounds can lead to conflicts and misunderstandings in second marriages. These differences can affect how partners view their roles and responsibilities within the marriage.

According to a study by the Aga Khan University, socioeconomic disparities are a critical factor in the success or failure of second marriages in Pakistan.

Cultural Expectations and Gender Roles

In Pakistan, cultural expectations and traditional gender roles can also make second marriages challenging. Women, in particular, may face expectations to conform to traditional roles of homemaking and child-rearing, even if they had a different experience in their first marriage. This can lead to dissatisfaction and conflict if the expectations are not met.

A report by the Aurat Foundation highlights that cultural and gender role expectations are significant stressors for women in second marriages.


Second marriages in Pakistan come with a unique set of challenges, ranging from societal stigma and legal complications to financial strain and emotional hurdles. Understanding and addressing these issues can help individuals navigate the complexities of second marriages and build stronger, more resilient relationships.