
Noun Phrase: Explanation and Examples


Noun Phrase:

Noun Phrase is merely a phrase in which a noun is present.  It is a Phrase so there is no verb involved in it.

Important points to remember:

  1. A noun phrase must have a
  2. A noun phrase never has an action verb. Only subjects have a verb.
  3. What or whom might be there to find a noun phrase.
  4. Always look for the main verb to make difference in the phrase section.
  5. A noun phrase is situated at the place of a subject or at an object place.


A noun phrase will have a noun and the following given elements:

  1. Articles
  2. Demonstrative adjectives
  3. Possessive adjectives
  4. Adjectives
  5. Numbers
  6. Quantifiers
  7. Possessives (words ending with ‘s)
  8. Infinitives (to + verb’s 1st form)
  9. Participles (verb’s 1st form + ing)
  10. Question word (Wh words)
  11. Prepositions & prepositional phase
  12. Gerund
  13. Pre-modifier (words that always come before a noun or a noun phrase)


Example Sentences:

1. They like sports bikes.

What is liked? Sports bikes.


Noun: bike

Adjective: sports

2. A verbal lesson can be interesting.

What is interesting?

A verbal lesson.


Noun: lesson

Adjective: verbal

Article: an

3. Don’t give me such a tense look.

Give me what?

Such a tense look


Noun: look

Adjective: tense

Article: a

Pre-modifier: such

Note: To check whether your statement is a noun phrase or not, discover the main verb and make a question sentence using what. After that look at the elements of the sentence. You may get a look at the elements of the highlighted sentences and tell whether it is a noun phrase or not.

4. The hard day’s work exhausted him.

What tired him?

The hard day’s work.

Elements: Noun + possessive: day’s work

Adjective: exhausted

Article: the

5. He made all compulsory arrangements before leaving.

He made what?

All the compulsory arrangements.


Noun: arrangements

Adjective: compulsory

Quantifier: All

Examples of Noun Phrase

Examples of Noun Phrase


6. The recent fire caused heavy losses.

What caused heavy losses?

The recent fires.


Noun: fire

Adjective: recent

Article: the

7. Her skill in badminton is much admired.

What is admired about her?

Skills at badminton.


Possessive adjective: her skills

Preposition: at

Noun: badminton

8. Show me how to solve it.

Show me what?

How to solve it.


Wh word: how

Infinitive: to solve

Noun: it

9. Promise me to leave.

Promise me what?

To leave.


Infinitive: to leave

10. Travelling in a dusty bus gives me no calm.

What gives me no calm?

Travelling in a dusty bus.


Gerund: travelling

Preposition: in

Article: a

Adjective: dusty

Noun: bus

Examples – Expanded

  1. The quick, brown dog jumped over the lazy fox.
  2. The end of the term is hard for some students.
  3. The pirate suppressed his gem on an island for retirement.
  4. The
  5.  ocean is deeper after it rains.
  6. A huge tree stands on the waterside.
  7. The young kitten chased its tail.
  8. Many people in this world want to live quietdiplomatic lives.
  9. The box in the garret is full of memoirs.
  10. Those people are very friendly!
  11. Maxx gave a wafer to your dog.