Noun Phrase:
A Noun Phrase is merely a phrase in which a noun is present. It is a Phrase so there is no verb involved in it.
Important points to remember:
- A noun phrase must have a
- A noun phrase never has an action verb. Only subjects have a verb.
- What or whom might be there to find a noun phrase.
- Always look for the main verb to make difference in the phrase section.
- A noun phrase is situated at the place of a subject or at an object place.
A noun phrase will have a noun and the following given elements:
- Articles
- Demonstrative adjectives
- Possessive adjectives
- Adjectives
- Numbers
- Quantifiers
- Possessives (words ending with ‘s)
- Infinitives (to + verb’s 1st form)
- Participles (verb’s 1st form + ing)
- Question word (Wh words)
- Prepositions & prepositional phase
- Gerund
- Pre-modifier (words that always come before a noun or a noun phrase)
Example Sentences:
1. They like sports bikes.
What is liked? Sports bikes.
Noun: bike
Adjective: sports
2. A verbal lesson can be interesting.
What is interesting?
A verbal lesson.
Noun: lesson
Adjective: verbal
Article: an
3. Don’t give me such a tense look.
Give me what?
Such a tense look
Noun: look
Adjective: tense
Article: a
Pre-modifier: such
Note: To check whether your statement is a noun phrase or not, discover the main verb and make a question sentence using what. After that look at the elements of the sentence. You may get a look at the elements of the highlighted sentences and tell whether it is a noun phrase or not.
4. The hard day’s work exhausted him.
What tired him?
The hard day’s work.
Elements: Noun + possessive: day’s work
Adjective: exhausted
Article: the
5. He made all compulsory arrangements before leaving.
He made what?
All the compulsory arrangements.
Noun: arrangements
Adjective: compulsory
Quantifier: All

Examples of Noun Phrase
6. The recent fire caused heavy losses.
What caused heavy losses?
The recent fires.
Noun: fire
Adjective: recent
Article: the
7. Her skill in badminton is much admired.
What is admired about her?
Skills at badminton.
Possessive adjective: her skills
Preposition: at
Noun: badminton
8. Show me how to solve it.
Show me what?
How to solve it.
Wh word: how
Infinitive: to solve
Noun: it
9. Promise me to leave.
Promise me what?
To leave.
Infinitive: to leave
10. Travelling in a dusty bus gives me no calm.
What gives me no calm?
Travelling in a dusty bus.
Gerund: travelling
Preposition: in
Article: a
Adjective: dusty
Noun: bus
Examples – Expanded
- The quick, brown dog jumped over the lazy fox.
- The end of the term is hard for some students.
- The pirate suppressed his gem on an island for retirement.
- The
- ocean is deeper after it rains.
- A huge tree stands on the waterside.
- The young kitten chased its tail.
- Many people in this world want to live quiet, diplomatic lives.
- The box in the garret is full of memoirs.
- Those people are very friendly!
- Maxx gave a wafer to your dog.