Matrimonial Blog

Late Marriages in Pakistan: Challenges and Solutions

Late Marriages in Pakistan Causes and Solution

Late marriages are becoming more common in Pakistan. This trend is growing and many people are concerned. In this article, we will discuss the reasons for late marriages, the impact on society, and possible solutions.

Reasons for Late Marriages

Economic Factors

One of the main reasons for late marriages is economic problems. Many young people want to be financially stable before they get married. According to the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, the unemployment rate was 5.79% in 2020. This makes it hard for young people to save money for marriage.

Education and Career

More young people, especially women, are focusing on their education and careers. The Higher Education Commission of Pakistan reported that in 2020, 48% of university students were female. These women often delay marriage to complete their education and start their careers.

Social Pressure and Expectations

There is also a lot of social pressure and high expectations when it comes to marriage. Families often look for a perfect match, which can take a long time. This search for the ideal partner can delay marriages.

Impact on Society

Population Growth

Late marriages can affect population growth. When people marry late, they may have fewer children. The Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey (PDHS) 2017-18 showed a decline in the total fertility rate from 3.8 in 2012-13 to 3.6 in 2017-18.

Mental Health

Delaying marriage can also affect mental health. Many people feel pressure from society and their families to get married by a certain age. This pressure can lead to stress and anxiety.

Possible Solutions

Financial Support

The government can provide financial support to young people. This can help them become financially stable sooner. Programs like the Prime Minister’s Kamyab Jawan Youth Programme offer loans to young people to start their own businesses.

Promoting Education and Career Planning

Encouraging young people to plan their education and careers can help. Schools and universities can offer career counseling to help students balance their education, careers, and personal lives.

Changing Social Attitudes

There needs to be a change in social attitudes towards marriage. Society should be more accepting of late marriages and understand the reasons behind them. Awareness campaigns can help change these attitudes.


The trend of late marriages in Pakistan is growing due to economic problems, education, and social pressure. This trend has both positive and negative impacts on society. By providing financial support, promoting career planning, and changing social attitudes, we can address this issue effectively. It is important to understand and support the choices of young people regarding marriage.

1 Comment

  • Assalam Alaikum my name is Qaiser Nazir I have two children secondly I live outside Pakistan more Dubai Qatar Saudi Arabia I need a hardworking girl who can take care of my children and my parents and siblings.