
300+ Academic Words List with PDF for Students

400+ Basic Academic Words List

TheĀ Academic Word List is a useful English resource for lecturers and students. 300 + Academic Word List appears with great frequency in a broad range of academic texts. These are the types of words you will see most often, and be expected to use in your own work.

  1. abstract
  2. academy
  3. access
  4. accommodate
  5. accompany
  6. accumulate
  7. aggregate
  8. approach
  9. appropriate
  10. approximate
  11. arbitrary
  12. area
  13. aspect
  14. assemble
  15. assess
  16. assign
  17. assist
  18. assume
  19. assure
  20. attach
  21. adequate
  22. adjacent
  23. adjust
  24. administrate
  25. adult
  26. advocate
  27. affect
  28. aggregate
  29. aid
  30. aid
  31. albeit
  32. allocate
  33. alter
  34. alternative
  35. behalf
  36. benefit
  37. bias
  38. bond
  39. capable
  40. conceive
  41. concentrate
  42. concept
  43. conclude
  44. concurrent
  45. conduct
  46. confer
  47. confine
  48. capacity
  49. category
  50. cease
  51. challenge
  52. channel
  53. chapter
  54. correspond
  55. couple
  56. create
  57. credit
  58. criteria
  59. crucial
  60. culture
  61. currency
  62. cycle
  63. contradict
  64. contrary
  65. contrast
  66. contribute
  67. controversy
  68. convene
  69. converse
  70. convert
  71. devote
  72. differentiate
  73. dimension
  74. diminish
  75. decade
  76. decline
  77. deduce
  78. define
  79. definite
  80. discrete
  81. discriminate
  82. displace
  83. display
  84. displace
  85. display
  86. dispose
  87. distinct
  88. discrete
  89. dispose
  90. distinct
  91. distort
  92. element
  93. ensure
  94. entity
  95. environment
  96. equate
  97. equip
  98. equivalent
  99. erode
  100. estate
  101. eliminate
  102. emerge
  103. emphasis
  104. empirical
  105. enable
  106. encounter
  107. energy
  108. facilitate
  109. factor
  110. feature
  111. federal
  112. fee
  113. file
  114. Final
  115. found
  116. framework
  117. function
  118. fund
  119. fundamental
  120. fee
  121. file
  122. final
  123. finance
  124. finite
  125. function
  126. fund
  127. fundamental
  128. flexible
  129. fluctuate
  130. focus
  131. format
  132. formula
  133. forthcoming
  134. gender
  135. generate
  136. generation
  137. globe
  138. goal
  139. grade
  140. grant
  141. guarantee
  142. guideline
  143. hence
  144. hierarchy
  145. highlight
  146. hypothesis
  147. immigrate
  148. impact
  149. implement
  150. implicate

, Academic Word List PDF 2023

  1. implicit
  2. imply
  3. impose
  4. intermediate
  5. internal
  6. interpret
  7. interval
  8. intervene
  9. intrinsic
  10. incentive
  11. incidence
  12. job
  13. journal
  14. justify
  15. label
  16. labor
  17. layer
  18. license
  19. likewise
  20. link
  21. locate
  22. logic
  23. liberal
  24. lecture
  25. legal
  26. legislate
  27. levy
  28. liberal
  29. manual
  30. margin
  31. mature
  32. maximize
  33. mechanism
  34. maintain
  35. major
  36. manipulate
  37. manual
  38. margin
  39. mature
  40. media
  41. mediate
  42. medical
  43. network
  44. neutral
  45. nevertheless
  46. nonetheless
  47. norm
  48. normal
  49. notion
  50. option
  51. orient
  52. outcome
  53. objective
  54. obtain
  55. occur
  56. output
  57. overall
  58. overlap
  59. overseas
  60. panel
  61. phase
  62. phenomenon
  63. philosophy
  64. physical
  65. plus
  66. policy
  67. portion
  68. pose
  69. paradigm
  70. paragraph
  71. precede
  72. precise
  73. predict
  74. predominant
  75. parallel
  76. region
  77. register
  78. regulate
  79. reinforce
  80. reject
  81. relax
  82. rely
  83. remove
  84. require
  85. research
  86. reside
  87. release
  88. relevant
  89. reluctance
  90. scope
  91. section
  92. sector
  93. secure
  94. seek
  95. scenario
  96. schedule
  97. scheme
  98. scope
  99. section
  100. sector
  101. secure
  102. style
  103. submit
  104. subordinate
  105. subsequent
  106. subsidy
  107. substitute
  108. sum
  109. summary
  110. save
  111. select
  112. sequence
  113. supplement
  114. survey
  115. survive
  116. suspend
  117. sustain
  118. symbol
  119. technique
  120. technology
  121. temporary
  122. tense
  123. terminate
  124. tape
  125. target
  126. task
  127. team
  128. technical
  129. technique
  130. technology
  131. temporary
  132. tense
  133. transfer
  134. target
  135. task
  136. team
  137. text
  138. theme
  139. theory
  140. ultimate
  141. undergo
  142. underlie
  143. undertake
  144. uniform
  145. unify
  146. unique
  147. utilize
  148. vary
  149. vehicle
  150. version
  151. via
  152. violate
  153. virtual
  154. visible
  155. voluntary
  156. welfare
  157. whereas
  158. whereby


1000 Academic Word List

1000 Academic Word List