
ABSTRACT NOUN with 100 Example Sentences

100 Examples of Abstract nouns


In English Grammar, an abstract noun is a noun that refers to an idea, event, quality, or concept. In other words, an abstract noun names something that can’t be perceived by the five senses.

For Example: Bravery, sovereignty, growth, love, endurance, brilliance, and friendship. Contrast that with a concrete noun.

Countable and Uncountable Abstract Nouns:

Although abstract nouns tend to be uncountable (bravery, news, pleasure,  tennis, exercise), numerous are countable ( a joke, an hour, an amount). But others can be both, their meanings may be differing from general to particular (great sympathy/many sympathies).

Concrete vs abstract noun

What Is a Concrete Noun?

In contrast with abstract noun, a concrete noun is a noun that can be recognized through one of the five senses (touch, taste, sight, smell, or hearing). Consider the examples given below:

Example: Would anyone please answer the telephone?

In the above sentence, the noun telephone is a concrete noun: you can touch it, hear it, see it, and maybe even taste it or smell it.

Another example: After his retirement, Mr. Zampa chased his dream of snapping rainbows.

  • Rainbows is a concrete noun; they can be seen.
  • Zampa is also a concrete noun
  • Dream and retirement are considered as abstract nouns.

We’ll discuss abstract nouns in more detail below.

Abstract Noun Concrete Noun
Extravagance Silk
Success Cash
Energy Smoke
Relationship Friend
Luck Horseshoe
Love Rainbow


Conversion of Verbs and Adjectives into Abstract Nouns

A verb or an adjective can be converted into an abstract noun by adding a suffix and vice versa.

Take a look at the examples given below:

Converting Verbs to Abstract Nouns

  • Determine – determination
  • Inform – information
  • Assign – assignment
  • Enjoy – enjoyment
  • Resist – Resistance
  • Decide – decision
  • Appear – Appearance
  • Reflect – reflection
  • Perceive – perception
  • Move – movement
  • Appoint – appointment
  • Describe – description
  • Conscious – Consciousness
  • Block – blockade

Converting Adjectives to Abstract Nouns

  • Silent – silence
  • Independent – independence
  • Probable – probability
  • Possible – possibility
  • Responsible – responsibility
  • Mad – madness
  • Happy – happiness
  • Weak – weakness
  • Sad – sadness
  • Honest – honesty
  • Able – ability
  • Brave – bravery
  • Truth – truthful
  • Free – freedom


List of Abstract Nouns with Examples:

satisfaction, skill, anger, anxiety, , bravery, brilliance, beauty, beliefs chaos, charity, childhood, , compassion, courage, culture, curiosity, deceit, dedication, comfort, communication, democracy, talent, truth, determination, energy, failure, faith, fear, generosity, gossip, freedom, friendship, happiness, hope, imagination, hate, honesty, intelligence, joy, kindness, knowledge information, integrity, justice, justice, liberty, life, love, loyalty, luxury, misery, motivation, patience, peace, opportunity, pain, perseverance, relaxation, pleasure, pride, sacrifice, , strength, thought, trust,  success, sympathy, warmth, and wisdom

Abstract Nouns List


Ability He has ability to complete the task.
Advantage It’s right time to take advantage of industry.
Affection Can you please show your affection to your wife.
Anxiety She feels anxiety about her result.
Awareness They are spreading awareness regarding Malaria.
Beauty She loves your inner beauty.
Belief I have strong belief in you.
Bravery He displayed great bravery in war.
Calmness He loves hills for calmness.
Care I always take care of my belongings.
Childhood Childhood memories are always cheerful.
Confusion You must remove your confusion.
Dedication His dedications towards his job is exemplary.
Disappointment You can see the disappointment in her eyes.
Disturbance Kids were disturbing everyone in the wedding.
Education Education in compulsory for everyone.
Enmity Stop enmity between you and your wife.
Envy Remove your envy towards your roommate.
Failure You should learn something from your failure.
Fragility You need to come out from fragility.
Freedom It is right of citizens to live with freedom.
Gain He finally gained approval for a tour.
Generosity Everyone praise his generosity.
Goal Put your effort to achieve your goal.
Happiness Everyone seeks happiness in the world.
Honesty Honesty is a great virtue.
Intelligence Intelligence is a key to innovate something new.
Justice Justice delayed is justice denied.
Kindness He is very famous for his kindness.
Loneliness Try to evade your loneliness.
Love He shows his love for his family.
Luxury He is living a luxury life.
Marriage He has decided to wear coat on his marriage.
Mercy A servant seeks mercy from his boss.
Necessity A mobile phone is your necessity right now.
Passion I have a passion to become a doctor.
Patience Show some patience before speaking.
Poverty 51% people live in poverty.
Reality Certain realities should be accepted.
Rumor You should keep away yourself from rumors.
Satisfaction He got satisfaction after seeing his mother.
Sleep He is sleeping for three hours.
Success He got success in his exams.
Tolerance Tolerance is essential to bring peace.
Trust There must be trust between relationship.
Unemployment Unemployment rate is increasing day by day.
Victory It’s a great victory for us against dishonesty.
Wisdom He is known for his wisdom.
Worry He is worried about his mother’s health.